Endangered Species and How Your Garden Can Help

When done thoughtfully, it can become a powerful tool in the fight against species extinction. Many gardeners may not realize the impact their planting choices can have on local ecosystems, especially on endangered wildlife species. By selecting certain trees and shrubs, you can create a haven for these at-risk creatures, supporting their survival and fostering… Read more »

10 Essential Trees for Michigan Landscapes: A Guide for Wholesale Buyers

Michigan’s diverse climate, ranging from cold, harsh winters to warm summers, offers a unique challenge for landscaping. However, this variety also provides a rich opportunity to select trees that are not only adaptable but enhance the beauty and ecological balance of local environments. Whether you are a landscaper, a municipal planner, or a nursery owner,… Read more »

Landscaping with Limited Space: Small Trees and Shrubs for Urban Gardens

Urban gardening is a delightful challenge that calls for creativity and careful plant selection, especially when space is at a premium. For city dwellers, the luxury of vast planting areas is often not a reality. However, the limitations of space do not have to curb your green aspirations. With the right small trees and shrubs,… Read more »

Landscaping for Energy Efficiency: Using Trees to Reduce Heating and Cooling Costs

In an era where energy efficiency is not just desirable but necessary, homeowners are constantly exploring ways to cut down on power usage and reduce their carbon footprint. One often overlooked strategy is the strategic use of landscaping, particularly through the planting of trees. Trees aren’t just aesthetic enhancements; they’re also powerful tools for improving… Read more »

Why Composting is Beneficial for Your Garden and the Environment

Composting is a great way to recycle your food waste while being environmentally friendly in the process. Plus, it’s great for your garden! As we get into the spring season, it’s time to start prepping your gardens and landscape for the summer season. A lot of work has to be done to ensure a healthy… Read more »

Growing Fruit Trees in Michigan: Tips for a Bountiful Harvest

Michigan’s diverse climate and fertile soil make it an ideal region for growing a variety of fruit trees. From juicy apples to luscious cherries, cultivating fruit trees in Michigan can result in a bountiful harvest for homeowners and orchard enthusiasts alike. In this blog post, we’ll explore essential tips to help you grow thriving fruit… Read more »

Four Season Interest: Trees for Year-Round Beauty

A well-curated landscape is like a living canvas that evolves with the changing seasons, each chapter telling a unique story of nature’s beauty. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of trees that provide four-season interest, ensuring your outdoor space is a spectacle of colors, textures, and shapes all year round. Discover how these arboreal… Read more »

Dealing with Deer: Trees That Resist Browsing

The enchanting sight of deer grazing in your backyard can quickly turn into a gardener’s nightmare when those graceful creatures decide to make a meal of your carefully cultivated trees. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of deer-resistant trees—green guardians that can withstand the persistent nibbling of these gentle yet voracious visitors. Discover not… Read more »

Low-Maintenance Landscaping: Cold Stream Farm’s Drought-Tolerant Plant Collection

In today’s world, where water conservation is of utmost importance, creating a beautiful and sustainable landscape is a priority for many homeowners. At Cold Stream Farm, we understand the value of low-maintenance landscaping that thrives even in drought conditions. Our nursery proudly offers a diverse collection of drought-tolerant plants that not only reduce water usage… Read more »

Landscaping Trends: Cold Stream Farm’s Trees for Modern Garden Design

In the ever-evolving world of landscaping, staying in tune with the latest trends is essential for creating a modern and stylish garden. As gardening enthusiasts and homeowners alike seek fresh ideas to transform their outdoor spaces, the role of trees becomes increasingly significant. Trees not only provide shade and greenery but also serve as focal… Read more »

Must-Have Trees and Shrubs for Stunning Autumn Foliage in Michigan

Michigan’s autumn season is a breathtaking display of vibrant colors, as the leaves of trees and shrubs transform into a kaleidoscope of reds, oranges, and golds. If you’re looking to create a stunning fall landscape, incorporating trees and shrubs known for their brilliant autumn foliage is a must. Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) The Sugar Maple… Read more »