The Environmental Benefits of Planting Trees and Shrubs in Late Summer

As summer draws to a close and the cooler temperatures of late summer set in, many homeowners may assume that the planting season for trees and shrubs has come to an end. However, contrary to popular belief, late summer can be an excellent time to embark on your landscaping endeavors. Not only can you enjoy… Read more »

How to Enhance Your Michigan Garden with Ornamental Trees and Shrubs

Creating a beautiful and vibrant garden is a dream for many Michigan homeowners. One of the most effective ways to enhance your garden’s aesthetic appeal and add year-round interest is by incorporating ornamental trees and shrubs. With their stunning blooms, captivating foliage, and unique architectural features, these plants can transform your outdoor space into a… Read more »

Pruning and Trimming Trees in the Summer: Best Practices for Healthy Growth

Pruning and trimming are vital aspects of tree care, contributing to the overall health, appearance, and longevity of your trees. While pruning is often associated with the dormant season, it’s important to understand that certain trees can benefit from selective pruning during the summer months as well. Understand the Purpose of Summer Pruning Pruning during… Read more »

Summer Tree Care Guide: Keeping Your Trees Healthy and Thriving

The summer season brings warmth, sunshine, and vibrant growth to our surroundings. It’s also a critical time for tree care, as trees face unique challenges during this period. To ensure the health and vitality of your trees, it’s essential to provide proper care and attention throughout the summer months. Here are some tips on how… Read more »

Wholesale Trees and Shrubs: Enhancing Commercial Spaces with Greenery

In today’s bustling commercial world, creating inviting and aesthetically pleasing environments is essential for attracting customers, increasing employee satisfaction, and promoting a positive brand image. One of the most effective ways to transform commercial spaces is by incorporating wholesale trees and shrubs. With their beauty, functionality, and environmental benefits, these green wonders can breathe life… Read more »

Spring Gardening Tips from Cold Stream Farm

Spring is here, and now is a great time to get outdoors and tend to your lawn and garden. There are many tasks to be done during spring to prepare your garden for the upcoming warmer months.  Here are a few tips to ensure the success of your lawn and garden: Assess Your Lawn/ Garden… Read more »

Planting Trees to Create a Beautiful Landscape

Planting trees on your property can be a beneficial for many different reasons. If you don’t have any trees on your property at this point, it could look a little bare. Adding trees to your property can create a beautiful landscape. Trees make the world go round. Our planet is filled with forests including trees… Read more »

Trees to Plant on Your Property in the Spring

It’s time to start thinking about what you’re going to plant on your property this year. Every spring season, homeowners look forward to spring cleanup around their yard, but it’s also good to consider new and healthy trees to plant on your property to enhance the look. Here are some trees you should consider planting… Read more »

Understanding the Cinnamon Fern for Your Yard

At Cold Stream Farm, we know people love ferns for their variety, with each type of fern offering subtle differences from the last. Cold Stream Farms offers ferns that work for everyone, from ferns that tolerate rough weather conditions to ferns that thrive in cold soil. The Cinnamon Fern Cinnamon ferns reach a height of… Read more »

The Benefits of Deciduous Plants

Cold Stream Farm is a wholesale/retail bare root tree and shrub nursery in Free Soil, Michigan. We offer a variety of plants for sale, including deciduous shrubs and trees. What are some things we think you should know about deciduous plants? Deciduous Meaning First things first– what does the word deciduous mean? It refers to… Read more »