Low-Maintenance Landscaping: Cold Stream Farm’s Drought-Tolerant Plant Collection

In today’s world, where water conservation is of utmost importance, creating a beautiful and sustainable landscape is a priority for many homeowners. At Cold Stream Farm, we understand the value of low-maintenance landscaping that thrives even in drought conditions. Our nursery proudly offers a diverse collection of drought-tolerant plants that not only reduce water usage… Read more »

Landscaping Trends: Cold Stream Farm’s Trees for Modern Garden Design

In the ever-evolving world of landscaping, staying in tune with the latest trends is essential for creating a modern and stylish garden. As gardening enthusiasts and homeowners alike seek fresh ideas to transform their outdoor spaces, the role of trees becomes increasingly significant. Trees not only provide shade and greenery but also serve as focal… Read more »

Pruning and Trimming Trees in the Summer: Best Practices for Healthy Growth

Pruning and trimming are vital aspects of tree care, contributing to the overall health, appearance, and longevity of your trees. While pruning is often associated with the dormant season, it’s important to understand that certain trees can benefit from selective pruning during the summer months as well. Understand the Purpose of Summer Pruning Pruning during… Read more »

Summer Tree Care Guide: Keeping Your Trees Healthy and Thriving

The summer season brings warmth, sunshine, and vibrant growth to our surroundings. It’s also a critical time for tree care, as trees face unique challenges during this period. To ensure the health and vitality of your trees, it’s essential to provide proper care and attention throughout the summer months. Here are some tips on how… Read more »

When Should You Plant Vines?

If you’re a novice gardener hoping to transform your backyard, it might be tricky to know which season is best for planting certain items. For any green-thumb hopefuls who want to add vines to their garden, check out our tips below on the best time of year for vine planting. Planting Vines: Where to Start?… Read more »

Benefits of Planting Bare Root Trees and Shrubs

Are you in the market for some new trees for your property? Bare root trees might be your best option. Bare root trees are dug up and then sold without any soil surrounding their roots. What’s more, there are many advantages that come along with planting them in the ground. There are plenty of advantages… Read more »

Benefits of Planting Groundcover in Your Garden

Behind every beautiful garden there are hours of work put in. After all the preparation, you may notice some areas where the greenery is sparce, or you begin wondering what type of protection you can use to ensure your gardens longevity. Many people check online for a chemical product to buy- however, there is another… Read more »

What Plants Grow Naturally in Your Backyard?

Many landscaping enthusiasts, especially those who may be undertaking a personal project for the first time, often get really excited at the prospect of using a wide array of flora and fauna available through nurseries and elsewhere. With the Internet as a resource, it’s easy to get carried away with the incredible variety of intriguing… Read more »

How Earth’s Trees are Disappearing Before Our Eyes

Nations across the globe are actively fighting back against climate change and global warming. As the climate is supposed to change, human factors are speeding up the process causing destruction to our very own ecosystem. Deforestation also plays a major role in the downfall of our climate and ecosystem. Humanity has an obligation to cut… Read more »

How to Protect Young Trees Against Frost Damage

Winter is quickly approaching, and that means that the temperature is going to be inching closer and closer to freezing in a couple months. This could present problems for any young trees that you have planted on your property. While many plants are capable of surviving harsh winters, there are some tree species that are… Read more »

Protecting Trees against Diseases

It is our responsibility to make sure that trees are healthy and prosperous for years to come. That means making sure they are protected against various diseases that can render them sick and, even worse, cause their deaths. There are plenty of tree diseases out there that you should be aware of. Plus, there are… Read more »