10 Essential Trees for Michigan Landscapes: A Guide for Wholesale Buyers

Michigan’s diverse climate, ranging from cold, harsh winters to warm summers, offers a unique challenge for landscaping. However, this variety also provides a rich opportunity to select trees that are not only adaptable but enhance the beauty and ecological balance of local environments. Whether you are a landscaper, a municipal planner, or a nursery owner,… Read more »

Landscaping with Limited Space: Small Trees and Shrubs for Urban Gardens

Urban gardening is a delightful challenge that calls for creativity and careful plant selection, especially when space is at a premium. For city dwellers, the luxury of vast planting areas is often not a reality. However, the limitations of space do not have to curb your green aspirations. With the right small trees and shrubs,… Read more »

Landscaping for Energy Efficiency: Using Trees to Reduce Heating and Cooling Costs

In an era where energy efficiency is not just desirable but necessary, homeowners are constantly exploring ways to cut down on power usage and reduce their carbon footprint. One often overlooked strategy is the strategic use of landscaping, particularly through the planting of trees. Trees aren’t just aesthetic enhancements; they’re also powerful tools for improving… Read more »

A Guide to Evergreen Trees: Choosing and Caring for Wholesale Varieties from Cold Stream Farm

Evergreen trees are a timeless choice for any landscape, offering year-round beauty, structure, and the promise of consistent greenery. At Cold Stream Farm in Michigan, we pride ourselves on providing a diverse selection of high-quality evergreen trees at wholesale prices. The Evergreen Palette at Cold Stream Farm: At Cold Stream Farm, we understand the importance… Read more »

Four Season Interest: Trees for Year-Round Beauty

A well-curated landscape is like a living canvas that evolves with the changing seasons, each chapter telling a unique story of nature’s beauty. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of trees that provide four-season interest, ensuring your outdoor space is a spectacle of colors, textures, and shapes all year round. Discover how these arboreal… Read more »

Landscaping Trends: Cold Stream Farm’s Trees for Modern Garden Design

In the ever-evolving world of landscaping, staying in tune with the latest trends is essential for creating a modern and stylish garden. As gardening enthusiasts and homeowners alike seek fresh ideas to transform their outdoor spaces, the role of trees becomes increasingly significant. Trees not only provide shade and greenery but also serve as focal… Read more »

Michigan’s Bird Paradise: Creating a Backyard Oasis with Native Trees and Shrubs

Michigan is blessed with abundant natural beauty, including a rich diversity of bird species. Imagine stepping into your backyard and being greeted by a symphony of melodious bird songs, vibrant feathers fluttering in the trees, and the joy of witnessing these captivating creatures up close. With a well-planned landscape featuring native trees and shrubs, you… Read more »

The Environmental Benefits of Planting Trees and Shrubs in Late Summer

As summer draws to a close and the cooler temperatures of late summer set in, many homeowners may assume that the planting season for trees and shrubs has come to an end. However, contrary to popular belief, late summer can be an excellent time to embark on your landscaping endeavors. Not only can you enjoy… Read more »

Summer Tree Care Guide: Keeping Your Trees Healthy and Thriving

The summer season brings warmth, sunshine, and vibrant growth to our surroundings. It’s also a critical time for tree care, as trees face unique challenges during this period. To ensure the health and vitality of your trees, it’s essential to provide proper care and attention throughout the summer months. Here are some tips on how… Read more »