Yes, it’s venison season! The better a deer eats, the more robust its body is. This bodes well for deer hunters. Michigan’s firearm deer hunting season began Nov. 15th and ran through Nov. 30th. Overall, the season was a positive one. In the article “Michigan deer hunting: DNR reports slight rise in license sales for this firearm season” Tim Martin writes, “The DNR says that overall deer license sales were about 2 percent higher entering this season than at the same time in 2011. Nearly 640,000 hunters have bought one or more deer license.”
Though some hunters have been hit by EHD (epizootic hemorrhagic disease), the increase in deer license sales is a good sign, not just for Michigan hunters as the number of deer seems to be up, but also for our line of Pennington Buckmasters and Rackmaster wild seed. Using this wild seed on your land will attract and retain quality game. This is a pleasure that only hunters really know. There’s nothing like planting wild seed throughout the months and seeing a pack of hearty buck on the land. Pennington wild seed works, as evidenced by recent reports of increased buck presence.
We suggest keeping this in mind for next season. Start planting wild seed on your land now and you’ll reap the benefits next year!
*Image courtesy of Robert Kraft