Search Results for: willow

Keep An Eye Out for the Invasive Asian Longhorned Beetle

Did you know that the maple trees in Michigan produce about 90,000 gallons of syrup each year? Unfortunately, Michigan’s maples could face a serious threat if the Asian longhorned beetles that have infested thousands of trees in Ohio make their way into Michigan. The beetles have recently wreaked havoc on approximately 18,000 trees in Ohio… Read more »

Wet Climate? Marshy Soil? These Thirsty Shrubs Absorb Water!

Does your yard remain wet much of the year? Does your property feature wet, marshy soil? Do you have a pond, stream or other water feature that sometimes contributes to soggy soil around the property? Planting some of these thirsty shrubs that absorb water can help you to reclaim your yard and keep your property… Read more »