How to Prepare Your Spring Gardening During the Winter Season

What’s better than planting your favorite flowers, trees, and shrubs in the spring? How about preparing for spring planting in the As we approach the winter season, and yes, it’s coming soon, it’s important to start preparing for the next season of planting. Spend the cold season preparing for your upcoming springtime planting plans with… Read more »

Winterizing Your Garden

As the Fall season begins its full swing of weather change, our gardens and yards will start to look different. The Fall season is the time of year where we start to think about how we can get our gardens ready for the winter season. In the Northern United States, our Fall starts sooner than… Read more »

Plan Accordingly When Planting Trees

Although the best time for planting trees is late winter or early spring, many people plant trees in autumn. As we near the end of August, the temperature will begin to cool and our thoughts will focus on preparing our kids for back to school, the seemingly endless parade of holidays and doing last minute… Read more »

Create Container Gardens to Decorate Your Home or Business

Flowers, shrubs and ferns can be planted in just about anything. Although they’re ideally found in luxurious garden beds tucked under a blanket of mulch or soil, they’re also used for other things such as pots, hanging baskets, window baskets, wheel barrows and anything else you decide to get creative with. One great way to… Read more »

What Plants Grow Naturally in Your Backyard?

Many landscaping enthusiasts, especially those who may be undertaking a personal project for the first time, often get really excited at the prospect of using a wide array of flora and fauna available through nurseries and elsewhere. With the Internet as a resource, it’s easy to get carried away with the incredible variety of intriguing… Read more »

Can Certain Trees Actually Fight Against Climate Change?

Since we were children, we were taught the importance of trees to our Earth and to ourselves. Through photosynthesis, trees take in carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen for us to breathe. With the growing concerns about our planet’s well-being, it may be more important now than ever to plant trees throughout your local community and… Read more »

Trees Making Their Way to Indoor Spaces

It’s an interesting concept having trees in an indoor space. From offices to residential living, trees are making their way to the interior of buildings for several different reasons. We may think of this concept as somewhat weird and unusual because it is, but it may be somewhat normal in the near future. We always… Read more »

How Earth’s Trees are Disappearing Before Our Eyes

Nations across the globe are actively fighting back against climate change and global warming. As the climate is supposed to change, human factors are speeding up the process causing destruction to our very own ecosystem. Deforestation also plays a major role in the downfall of our climate and ecosystem. Humanity has an obligation to cut… Read more »

How Wildfires Are Affecting Our Trees

Wildfires happen every year in the United States. Some years, they are more devastating than others with the destruction of forests, homes, and sometimes even towns out in the Western United States. Trees are resilient living beings, but they can be destroyed. This has been a real problem for our ecosystem and environment as trees… Read more »

Tips for Growing Bare-Root Trees

If you’ve decided that you want to plant bare-root trees, congrats! It is a fun and relatively simple process, but it does take a bit of work and care. Whether you aren’t sure how to go about it or you haven’t had great luck in the past, we’re here to help. Check out the following… Read more »

Importance of Planting Trees After Some of Them Die

Trees live long lives in the wild, but many do die off after years and years. It’s the circle of life working perfectly. When we have trees on our property, we can see them die off right before our eyes due to several different reasons. Natural elements like severe storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, and more will… Read more »