Types of Trees to Plant for Surviving a Dry Site

When most people think about trees and plants and how they survive, the first thing that comes to mind is that they need water to grow and thrive. Those people are not wrong. Trees are more likely to survive when they have plenty of sunshine and natural rainfall. Unfortunately, this ideal situation is not always… Read more »

Trees to Plant for a Shady Environment

Looking for new plantings for a shady plot of land? Unfortunately, not all tree species will flourish if they don’t receive direct sunlight each day. That’s why its typically a good idea to select shade-tolerant species for these locations. Check out just a few of the tree species that thrive in low-light environments below! Hemlock… Read more »

The Benefits of Having Outdoor Plants Around Your Home

As a homeowner, it’s important that your home and landscape presents itself as a welcoming and naturally beautiful environment. If you have natural vegetation around your home, you’re already off to a good start, but this doesn’t mean you can let your guard down. Landscaping takes time and effort to keep everything maintained, and sometimes,… Read more »

10 Essential Trees for Michigan Landscapes: A Guide for Wholesale Buyers

Michigan’s diverse climate, ranging from cold, harsh winters to warm summers, offers a unique challenge for landscaping. However, this variety also provides a rich opportunity to select trees that are not only adaptable but enhance the beauty and ecological balance of local environments. Whether you are a landscaper, a municipal planner, or a nursery owner,… Read more »

Spring Maintenance: Pruning Tips for Healthy Trees and Shrubs

One of the most crucial tasks during the spring period is the pruning of trees and shrubs. Pruning not only helps maintain the shape and health of your plants but also encourages vigorous growth and flowering. Here at Cold Stream Farm, we understand the importance of proper pruning techniques and would like to share some… Read more »

Consider Planting Fruit this Spring

Adding fruit trees to your property can provide some amazing benefits for you. Fruit trees will provide you with fresh fruit that you won’t have to look for in the grocery store during the spring and summer months. Seeing these trees blossom and bring fresh fruit will leave you with a smile on your face…. Read more »

Why Composting is Beneficial for Your Garden and the Environment

Composting is a great way to recycle your food waste while being environmentally friendly in the process. Plus, it’s great for your garden! As we get into the spring season, it’s time to start prepping your gardens and landscape for the summer season. A lot of work has to be done to ensure a healthy… Read more »

Low-Maintenance Trees for Busy Landowners: Enhance Your Landscape Effortlessly

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, maintaining a lush and vibrant landscape can feel like an overwhelming task. However, the key to a beautiful yard doesn’t always lie in extensive care and attention. In this blog, we’ll explore the world of low-maintenance trees—green companions that thrive with minimal effort. Discover how incorporating these… Read more »

Low-Maintenance Landscaping: Cold Stream Farm’s Drought-Tolerant Plant Collection

In today’s world, where water conservation is of utmost importance, creating a beautiful and sustainable landscape is a priority for many homeowners. At Cold Stream Farm, we understand the value of low-maintenance landscaping that thrives even in drought conditions. Our nursery proudly offers a diverse collection of drought-tolerant plants that not only reduce water usage… Read more »

Planting for Pollinators: Cold Stream Farm’s Contribution to Michigan’s Biodiversity

The delicate dance between plants and pollinators is a cornerstone of biodiversity and ecosystem health. In a world where pollinator populations are facing challenges, the role of responsible landscaping becomes paramount. At Cold Stream Farm, we’re proud to offer a diverse selection of pollinator-friendly trees and shrubs that not only beautify your landscape but also foster a thriving environment for our vital pollinators.