Trees are truly magnificent. These living beings are what makes the world go around. From capturing pollutants to releasing oxygen and clean air into our lives, we take trees for granted sometimes. Preserving our trees is something that needs to be a priority when it comes to environmental conservation. Many people disregard it in their… Read more »
With environmental issues on the rise, it is important to do everything possible to help conservation efforts. It is no secret that the bee population is on the decline, and it has even been rumored that robotic bees will eventually be used in place of the real bees. There are numerous reasons behind the decline,… Read more »
Summer is nearing its end which means it is time for fall garden preparations. There are many steps you must take during this time to ensure the health and longevity of your garden. Colder months are ahead, and it is time to prepare your lawn and landscaping. To make sure your landscape is ready, make… Read more »
Despite efforts from state officials to stop the spread of the hemlock wooly adelgid (HWA), this invasive insect continues to pose a serious threat to Michigan’s hemlock trees. According to some estimates, there are currently 100 million hemlock trees in Michigan at risk of infection by the HWA. Fortunately, there might be a solution for… Read more »
The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has issued a quarantine on hemlock tree movement in four counties in Western Michigan. The order came after state officials discovered a significant infestation of an aphid-like invasive species in Allegan, Muskegon, Oceana and Ottawa counties. Native to Japan, the hemlock woolly adelgid has been problematic in eastern… Read more »
Earlier this week, people from all corners of the puerile world celebrated Earth Day. Today is another eco-friendly day. Yes, it is the last Friday in April and that means one thing: Arbor Day! Arbor Day’s mission is a simple yet ambitious one: to celebrate trees, particularly by planting and nurturing them. Founded in 1972… Read more »
At Cold Stream Farm, we believe in keeping trees healthy and strong. Unfortunately, there are many threats to trees. Have you heard of the emerald ash borer? Many describe it as a scourge. It is a green beetle native to Asia. It appeared in the United States sometime in the 1990s and is now present… Read more »