Unsorted/Unseparated – 5,000 minimum order. These are shipped in bundles of 100, and will require separation prior to, or as you plant. Each bundle will produce a minimum of 100 culms. See photo for an example of separated culms.
Divisions – These are shipped in bundles of 25 and have been pre-separated and counted.
Latin: Ammophila breviligulata
Other common names: Beachgrass, American Beachgrass
Mature Height: 3 feet
Soil / Climate: Grows best in sand and and light well drained coarse soils. Beach grass can withstand intense sun and high temperatures, as well as strong winds.
Notes: American Beachgrass is native to the eastern United States. It’s range spans from South Carolina to Canada, as well as throughout the Great Lake states. Effective ways to propagate is by seed or the dividing of the roots. Beachgrass is a popular species chosen for dune stabilization and erosion control throughout the Eastern United States and Great Lakes. Beachgrass spreads readily through creeping rhizomes. Plant spacing is typically 18 inches, but may be as close as 12 inches for quicker cover.
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