What Types of Plants Attract Turkeys

Do you want to attract wild turkeys to your land? You can do it by providing them with plenty of cover. You can also do it by making sure they have a water source nearby. However, the most important aspect of attracting turkeys to your land is planting the right kinds of trees, shrubs, and… Read more »

Bearberry: A Great Landscaper’s Plant

Spring is almost here, so gardeners and landscapers around the country are starting to plan their spring gardens. Have you decided what you’ll be planting yet? One of our favorite spring plants is bearberry. If you’re looking for low-maintenance ground cover, you’ll love bearberry, too. Bearberry (arctostaphylos uva-ursi), or sometimes known as kinnikinnick, can be… Read more »

Get the Planting Supplies You Need for Spring

Even though it’s only January, it isn’t too early to start thinking about what you’ll need this to make sure the plants and gardens are successful. Lucky for you, Cold Stream Farm offers a wide variety of supplies to help get your growing season going. One of those supplies is bamboo stakes, which can be… Read more »

Spend the Winter Preparing for Spring Planting

What’s better than planting your favorite flowers, trees and shrubs in the spring? How about preparing for spring planting in the winter! That’s right. Your green thumb doesn’t have to rest just because the weather grows colder. Spend your cold season preparing for your upcoming springtime planting plans with these helpful tips. Plan Out a… Read more »

Protect Your Saplings and Seedlings this Winter

If you own a farm or a tree lot, and you have a bunch of newly planted saplings or seedlings that you are trying to nurture, then you may worry about what will happen when winter comes around. Often, newly planted trees and seedlings have to deal with the multiple threats that the natural world… Read more »

The Value of Trees on Your Property

Many homes across America have trees either in their back or front yards. We see them every day when we leave, we clean up when leaves or branches when they fall, but have you ever taken the time to think about the real value they bring to your home? For starters, they provide us with… Read more »

An Early Spring for Deciduous Trees

An early start to spring is in the cards for trees in the continental United States. According to an article from Planet Save, “new spring leaves might start to bud up to 17 days earlier in the coming century then they did prior to the current anthropogenic climate change.” This research is courtesy of a… Read more »

Bare root trees make great Christmas gifts

Think outside the box this holiday season and give a loved one a bare root tree!  Although we’re currently in the midst of winter, it’s never too early to think about what trees you’re going to plant come springtime.  At Cold Stream Farm, we believe preplanning is best.  The same holds true when gifting a… Read more »