This plant is restricted for shipment to CA, ID
Zones: 2-6Latin: Pinus banksiana
Other common names: jack pine, scrub pine, banksiana pine, black pine, grey pine, Hudson bay pine
Mature Height/spread: 70-80 ft. high/ 50 ft. spread. Fast grower over 2 ft plus per year.
Soil / Climate: Northern most pine of North America, variety of soils and climates, thrives on light, acid, sandy soils
Notes: Jack pine tolerate a variety of soils and climates, thrives on light, acid, sandy soils, easiest pine to transplant, even on difficult sites. It is fire-adapted to stand-replacing fires, with the cones remaining closed for many years, until a forest fire kills the mature trees and opens the cones, reseeding the burnt ground. Jack pine is used for pulpwood, windbreaks, fuel, decking, and utility poles. Mature jack pine forests are usually open, and the fall of their needles creates acidic soil, so blueberries are often abundant in the understory.
Wildlife: Kirtland’s Warbler, an endangered bird, depends on pure stands of young jack pine in a very limited area in the north of the Lower Peninsula of Michigan for breeding.
Cold Stream Farm supplies Jack Pine trees which are grown as bare root seedlings and transplants and sold both wholesale and retail with no minimum order.
Additional information on Pinus banksiana can be found on the link: USDA / NRCS Plants Database.
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