Protecting Trees against Diseases

It is our responsibility to make sure that trees are healthy and prosperous for years to come. That means making sure they are protected against various diseases that can render them sick and, even worse, cause their deaths. There are plenty of tree diseases out there that you should be aware of. Plus, there are… Read more »

Identifying and Treating Common Spruce Tree Problems

When it comes to the well-being of the majestic spruce, the war against disease is a never-ending fight. Two enemies who are always on the radar are those pesky spider mites and needle cast diseases. Half of winning the battle is knowing what you are up against. Read on and discover what issues these threats… Read more »

Advantages of Planting Bare Root Trees

If you’ve ever planted a tree on your property, chances are it was a potted tree with a soil ball on the bottom of it that contained all of the tree’s roots. Traditionally, this is the way that nurseries have sold trees to customers, but in recent years, bare root trees have become much more… Read more »

The Benefits of Gardening on Your Property

Gardening on your property can be a chore, but it can also be a satisfying hobby. Every hobby comes with benefits to the hard work that goes into it. Gardening is one of the most rewarding hobbies you can take up, and it comes with many great benefits for your life. Gardening is Good for… Read more »

What Supplies Do I Need to Plant a Tree?

When planting trees on your property, you never want to be unprepared. Gathering the proper tree-planting tools is necessary in order to not strain yourself and make sure you’ve planted the trees properly. Whichever trees you decide to plant requires a bit of research to ensure the tree is planted properly. At Cold Stream Farm,… Read more »