Highlighting the Must-Have Garden Tools

Every gardener needs a reliable set of tools. Maintaining landscaping and planting is no simple task and having the right gear by your side can make all the difference. Regardless of your experience level, you should know what items should be in your tool shed. This helpful gardening guide from Cold Stream Farm will help… Read more »

Understanding What Plants and Trees Attract Rabbits

Trees and plants serve many purposes. They provide shade, oxygen, and countless products that we use every day. If you are interested in drawing rabbits to your property, you can do that with help of specific plants and trees. People want to attract rabbits for a variety of reasons, but most people do it so… Read more »

Planting Grass: When’s the Right Time to Seed Your Lawn

There is nothing like seeing a home surrounded by vibrant, green grass, but planting grass is not as easy and artless as simply laying down some seeds. It is imperative that you do your research on proper grass planting techniques and timing, and it all starts with choosing the best time to plant. So when… Read more »

When Should You Plant Vines?

If you’re a novice gardener hoping to transform your backyard, it might be tricky to know which season is best for planting certain items. For any green-thumb hopefuls who want to add vines to their garden, check out our tips below on the best time of year for vine planting. Vines are pretty easy to… Read more »

Bearberry: A Great Landscaper’s Plant

Spring is almost here, so gardeners and landscapers around the country are starting to plan their spring gardens. Have you decided what you’ll be planting yet? One of our favorite spring plants is bearberry. If you’re looking for low-maintenance ground cover, you’ll love bearberry, too. Bearberry (arctostaphylos uva-ursi), or sometimes known as kinnikinnick, can be… Read more »

Now’s the Time to Trim Up Vines

If left unchecked, the vines around your home can really begin to take over and become a mess. Now that fall is here and the cooler temperatures have settled in it’s the perfect time to trim up some of the vines on your home. If the vines of your home are Pyracantha, cotoneaster or ceanothus… Read more »

Preparing for Winter: Six Tasks to Do This Fall

Now that winter isn’t too far away, it is time to prepare your lawn and landscaping for the months to come and the cold weather associated with it. To make sure your landscape is ready, make sure to tackle these tasks before the snow starts falling. Clean Weeds Go through any plant beds around your… Read more »

Planning a Budget is Vital to Your Landscaping Project’s Success

Getting any project done on a budget can be a challenge, especially when it comes to landscaping. Lots of times with large landscaping projects, unforeseen issues, delays and even new design ideas during the ninth hour can drag your project out and cause you to spend way more than you planned. But, with these helpful… Read more »